

Having Natasha as a mentor has made all the difference for me, and they’re someone I often return to for guidance. To me Natasha lives and breathes authentic relating and my experience of them is as a compassionate, wise, and super playful person, able to hold space for me and others with care, strength, depth and lightness, in a way that I’ve both experienced as and witnessed as profoundly resourcing, grounding, and truly rare.”
— Sophie Yates, London UK
I came to Natasha for guidance during a difficult time in a relationship. Uncharacteristically, I had found myself doubting my intuition, overwhelmed by strong emotion and unable to be understood. Natasha’s greatest gift to me, was her deep wisdom and ability to clearly see what was going on. She pointed me back to my truth, validating my intuition and giving me the tools to express myself clearly and cleanly. I no longer doubt myself and feel much more capable of co-creating the relationships I desire.
— Flick Hardingham, London UK
I had a nervous breakdown some weeks before (the) production. (Natasha’s) work and vibes helped to create a really great environment on set, so I came back to work thanks to Natasha. It would be amazing find Natasha in every set!
— Giulio Conversi, Film Sound Designer
I loved Natasha’s presence on set. I see a lot of importance in the presence of a space holder on set, and I wish it becomes an industry practice. Even though I had not felt the need to use her “services” 1-on-1, I could see how much it affected the overall atmosphere of the crew. Being able to focus on my job and not dwelling on the tensions between my co-workers gave me a peace of mind and allowed me to execute my tasks better. Moreover, Natasha was always there to have a great conversation that helped to take the mind off things and truly rest.
— Katarzyna Romatowska, Set Designer
“I’m not sure you quite understand and give value to what you provide for people in your mirroring but you are spectacular. Don’t ever lose that and while I intend to keep in touch, know I will never forget what you have added to my life.”
— S.L., Winnepeg, Manitoba